Sims Social Hack Cheat Tool
The Sims Social was a Facebook addition to the Sims series of videogames. It was announced during the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 press conference. As with the original Sims games, The Sims Social lets the user create their own customizable character. In this version, however, the player uses their character to interact with those of their Facebook friends. The characters can develop likes or dislikes for other Sims, creating relationships that can be publicized on the user’s Facebook page.
About Sims Social
The Sims Social is a Facebook videogame developed by Playfish and EA, taking place in a fictional town called Littlehaven. A mobile application for smartphones is also in development as a companion app to the Facebook version, which will be available on the current generation of smartphones. The game also features remakes of real life famous people such as Lady Sim-Sim (Lady Gaga), Elvis Plumbob (Elvis Presley), and Sims Cara (Sin Cara).
Sims Social Hack Cheat Tool is a great new tool that can get you an unlimited supply of Simoleons, SimCash, Social Points and Lifetime Points. Sims Social will be much more enjoyable when using this program and way less time consuming for people who don’t have time to waste. You can also increase the energy to full and enable the XP Hack.
Our team has released the new version which is up to date to provide you the best gameplay ever !
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