joi, 5 mai 2016

Heroes Charge Hack – Gems and Coins

We’re very glad to announce that today we are sharing to you our best Heroes Charge Hack. Our latest Heroes Charge Hack is one of the best hack that you can find online. Follow our step by step guide to have free Gems and Coins. iOS and Android device has been tested and it is working 100%. An Anti-Ban and Proxy server options has been included to protect your IP address.
We are very happy to help if you have suggestions or questions, just contact us.

Heroes Charge Hack


Add Unlimited Gems
Add Unlimited Coins
Options: Proxy and Anti-Ban
Working on iOS and Android without jailbreak/root


Open the Heroes Charge Hack Online Generator
Enter your username on the username field
Put the amount of Gems and Coins you desire
Select a Proxy Server and Check the Anti Ban Features
Press “Generate” button and wait for it complete.
After completed, restart the game and the requested resources should be in your account.

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