joi, 5 mai 2016

Kritika Hack – Unlimited Karat & Gold

I’m glad to announce that today we’re giving to you our state-of-the-art Kritika Hack. Our state-of-the-art Kritika Hack is one of the finest hack that you can get online. To get FREE Karat and Gold, Just follow our step by step guide. Our hack has been tested many times and it is 100% working. And to help secure your IP, we added the Anti-Ban and Proxy options.
Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions and we will do everything to help.

Kritika Hack


Add Unlimited Karat
Add Unlimited Gold
Options: Anti-Ban and Proxy Server
Working on PC, Android and iOS without jailbreak/root


Open the Kritika Hack Online Generator
Enter your username on the username field
Put the amount of Karat and Gold you like
Choose a Proxy Server and Check the Anti Ban Features
Click “Generate” button and wait for it Finish.
After completed, restart the game and the requested resources should be in your account.

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